Thursday, April 6, 2017

Firsts and Last by: Annette Lyon

Dani has failed in her dreams to catch a break as a dancer in New York, but before she heads home to the Midwest, she decides to visit the places still on her to-see list. Then she meets Mark, another transplant to the Big Apple with big dreams of his own. Except Mark hasn’t given up on his. As they spend the day together, Dani realizes that even though she hasn’t hit the big time, she may be able to live her dreams after all. Only one problem: she's broke and has a one-way ticket home.

I loved this story. The chance of meeting someone on the street that you can form an instant bond with is pretty rare. Dani and Mark were fast friends with a lot in common. My favorite line from this story is, "And I can’t help but think that no matter how miserable all of the hard parts will be, they’ll be easier if you’re there going through them with me.” Everyone needs someone to help them they the hard parts of life! They got their happy ending! 

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